Morning Hike with CFO Kirk Preiss
The final day started with an early morning hike with a view. CFO Kirk Preiss led a group of attendees on an adventure through the hills of Palm Springs.
Property Loss Planning & Procedures

The final day’s sessions started with a presentation from BluSky. Attendees were able to learn helpful tips to utilize in emergency situations that could occur at their properties.
BluSky also shared how things were handled in the aftermath of the tornado that destroyed Gamecock Village in April 2018. They felt that they were changed by this event and felt honored to be a part of the restoration and construction of such a great property with great management.
Sponsor Summit
Each year, the Preiss Company utilizes its relationships with outside vendors to obtain sponsorship’s that go towards the costs associated with the annual Leadership Conference.
Each vendor that makes a bronze level contribution is invited to participate in the Sponsor Summit, giving them an opportunity to network with TPCO conference attendees and reinforce existing relationships.
This year, the Sponsor Summit was organized differently than in previous years. Vendors were able to spread throughout the entire Parker Hotel grounds and set up unique venues for attendees to visit. Many vendors provided food, cool giveaways, and hosted games where attendees could earn prizes.
Keynote Speaker | Kelly McDonald – McDonald Marketing

Kelly McDonald is a marketing and advertising specialist and considered one of the nation’s top experts in consumer trends, generational differences and leveraging the customer experience. She is the founder of McDonald Marketing, which has twice been named one of the “Top Ad Agencies in the U.S.” by Advertising Age magazine and ranked as one of the fastest-growing independently-owned companies in the U.S. by Inc. Magazine.
Mixing high content, humor and energy, Kelly kept the attendees engaged throughout her session. She utilized audience interaction to discuss how her content applies to job roles, challenges and opportunities.
60’s Mod Summer Soirée
The last event of the TPCO Leadership Conference did not disappoint! Following a cocktail hour and dinner, awards were given to attendees for anniversary milestone achievements and superlatives.
Once all awards were handed out, attendees flooded the dance floor and were treated to a live music performance from The New Sensations.
Anniversary Milestone Achievements
Kyle Barger – 10 years
Anna Bowers – 10 years
Jerry Esquivel – 10 years
DeWana Falks – 10 years
Toryn Johnson – 10 years
Kylie Smith – 10 years
Candice Stricklin – 10 years
Adam Byrley – 15 years
James Parham – 15 years
Leadership Conference Superlative Winners
MVP Ed Keathley | Support Desk Manager, Corporate Office
Best female dancer Chloe Rasmussen | Regional Manager, Corporate Office
Best male dancer Collin Noble | Property Manager, UV2505
Best dressed female Andrea Allison | Property Manager, 61 Vandy
Best dressed male Joe Woo | Employee Engagement Manager, Corporate Office
Person most likely to retire in Palm Springs Colton Lassinger | Regional Manager, Corporate Office
Female most likely to make you smile Keyara Donna | Property Manager, UV Clemson
Male most likely to make you smile Wallace Johnson | Leasing Manager, UV Clemson
Person you’d most want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island Jake Davis | Regional Maintenance Supervisor, Flats at Carrs Hill
Person you’d most want with you in the event of a zombie apocalypse David Womer | Maintenance Supervisor, The Outpost
Person you’d most want to work in your office/property David Leake | VP of New Business Development, Corporate Office